Books on Sustainability
Look here for all my books on issues of sustainability. In the meantime, here's a link to Farm Gate, the blog by E.B. Klassen discussing food security, where you can find interesting commentary and useful links.
Fish: From The Catch To Your Table
from the series The Truth About The Food Supply
Rosen Publishing
ISBN: 9781448868018 (library binding)
ISBN: 978-1-4488-6805-6 (e-book format)
Includes: Full-color Photographs, Glossary, Index, Author Biography, Bibliography, For Further Information Section, Further Reading, List of Organizations, Sidebars, Web Sites
-click here for a link to the publisher where this book can be ordered-
-click here for a link to Amazon-
Numerous marine ecologists believe that the largest single danger to marine ecosystems today is overfishing. Marine scientists warn that overfishing and exceeding catch quotas will have a disastrous effect on marine ecosystems and a profound impact on what will be served on our dinner plates in the future. In this enlightening narrative, readers discover the ways fish are caught, processed, packaged, transported, and sold to consumers. They'll acquire an awareness of the food web, fish as a renewable resource, and the nutrition basics of seafood. Readers also explore the steps they can take to put pressure on the fish industry to protect the food supply, as well as possible fishing sustainability programs they can initiate or join.
Money-Making Opportunities For Teens Who Like Pets And Animals
Rosen Publishing
ISBN: 9781448893843 (library binding
ISBN: 978-1-4488-9392-8 (e-book)
available in paperback and e-book format
Includes: Author Biography, Bibliography, For Further Information Section, Further Reading, Glossary, Index, List of Organizations, Sidebars, Web Sites
-click here for a link to the publisher, where this book can be ordered-
-click here for a link to Amazon-
In this easy-to-follow guide, readers are given creative ways to earn money working with animals in rural, suburban, and urban areas, such as at dude ranches, parks, wilderness trails, farms, animal hospitals, marinas, stables, kennels, and animal rescue centres. Those who love working with animals discover they can find jobs at breeders, slaughterhouses, historic replica villages, and animal rehabilitation centres, and can work as dog handlers, bird watchers, nature guides, pet caregivers, animal couriers, and animal trainers, among other positions. This insightful volume provides teens with practical ways to make a business plan, set goals, and promote their entrepreneurial skills in building on their interests in working with pets and animals and parlaying them into a lifelong and profitable career. Besides hands-on money-making tips, readers learn the benefits of volunteering and being a part of citizen science and animal activism for biodiversity, environmental justice, and green groups.
Jobs in Sustainable Agriculture
from the series Green Careers
Rosen Publishing
ISBN: 9781435835689 (library binding)
ISBN: 978-1-4488-0127-5 (e-book)
Includes: Full-color Photographs, Glossary, Index, Bibliography, For Further Information Section, List of Organizations, Sidebars, Web Sites
-click here for a link to the publisher where this book can be ordered-
-click here for a link to Amazon-
Young people who have a desire to work with Nature will learn about careers in sustainable agriculture. Careers include organic farmer, farm manager, greenhouse worker, research scientist, beekeeper, environmental engineer, rancher, and tree surgeon. Readers will learn about the common dangers of farm work and explore the numerous vocational opportunities that are available. This comprehensive book provides information about training, education, and income ranges for fascinating careers that contribute to sustainable agriculture.
Series Review: Green Careers-----------------------------------------------------------------------
"These well-conceived introductions focus on various jobs in each field, the education and experience required, and expected earnings. The books are well organized, making it easy to gain an overview of the major aspects of the work. By focusing on entry-level jobs and high-level professionals, and work requiring relatively little training, the authors provide well-balanced accounts of opportunities available to people at a range of educational levels and aspirations...these books will make good additions to career collections. Photographs from the field and website and contact information for professional organizations add value."
--School Library Journal
Series Review: Green Careers
"Each book in this series begins with a concise introduction, ensuring that students who are not familiar with the concept will have some background knowledge. Written in clear, concise language, each volume features color pictures and boxes with supplementary information. Chapters and sections are broken into reasonable lengths suitable for reluctant readers, but interesting enough for advanced students. All of the jobs include suggestions about appropriate degrees and levels of education necessary, as well as expected salaries. For More Information sections offer numerous additional resources. The interest in all things "green" combined with the natural desire for older students to begin thinking about career interests makes this series a current, valuable addition to secondary collections. RECOMMENDED."
--Library Media Connection
Biofuels: Sustainable Energy in the 21st Century
from the series In The News
Rosen Publishing
ISBN: 9781435835849 (library binding)
ISBN: 978-1-4488-0139-8 (e-book)
available in paperback and e-book format
Includes: Full-color and Black-and-White Photographs, Illustrations, Glossary, Index, Bibliography, For Further Information Section, Further Reading, List of Organizations, Web Sites
- click here for a link to the publisher, where this book can be ordered -
- click here for a link to Amazon -
Biofuel options, including biogas, ethanol, and biodiesel are fully explored. Related issues are also discussed, such as social and economic costs. Striking images draw readers in while an informative narrative provides a well-balanced exploration of the topic and all its controversial points. Readers gain a strong understanding along with a new enthusiasm to share this knowledge with others. Sidebars and fact boxes further enhance the learning experience.
Series Review: In the News-------------------------------------------------------------------------
"This hi/lo series leaps right into its subjects without the usual introduction and conclusion sections that can sometimes deter reluctant readers. To the point and with bite-size chapters, these titles effectively address sometimes-complicated subjects in a way that is both informative and accessible to all readers. The topics are current, and attractive color photos keep text-only pages to a minimum. A helpful, "For More Information" section provides relevant institutional and organizational contact information."
--Library Media Connection
Series Review:
"Accessible and up-to-date, the titles in the In the News series offer a thorough, jargon-free introduction to the headlining topics. Large headings in colored print will help guide researchers to the information they need, while the generally well-chosen color photos and diagrams add visual interest."
Series Review:
"The books would make great discussion starters for a social studies class looking at any of the topics and may make students more aware of those around them."
--Library Media Connection
Making Good Choices About Fair Trade
from the series Green Matters
Rosen Publishing
ISBN: 9781435853157 (library binding)
ISBN: 978-1-6153-1147-7 (e-book)
available in paperback and e-book format
Includes: Full-color Photographs, Glossary, Index, Author Biography, Bibliography,
For Further Information Section, Further Reading, List of
Organizations, Sidebars, Web Sites
Click here for a link to order this book from the publisher.
Click here for a link to order this book from Amazon.
All people want their time and effort to be valued. Anyone wants to
trade his or her time and effort for fair value. That's what fair trade
is about--making fair deals locally, nationally, and internationally.
This compelling book engages students in the issues of fair trade,
helping them to make greener choices to support the ecology and sustain
the environment and communities of people. Readers learn about fair
business standards and about the ways they can support fair trade, not
only in the products that they purchase but in fair trade ideas that can
help communities and nations. In this book, students discover that a
business that relies on fair trade will earn reliable profits over a
longer time than one that serves only its own interests. They will also
learn how just one person can make a difference in fair trade practices.
Book Review: Making Good Choices About Fair Trade
"This title in the new Green Matters series offers an informative, often provocative overview of fair-trade concepts and elements, while advocating for being an informed consumer...students will find much food for thought, with some useful ideas to consider when purchasing goods."
Series Review: Green Matters
"Covering a variety of green issues, these books introduce and explain their topic, and then offer examples of environmentally friendly practices and tips for making good personal choices. Their strength is the prolific in-text references to experts and studies, making them great mentor-texts for students learning how to include research in their writing..."
--School Library Journal
Making Good Choices About Nonrenewable Resources
from the series Green Matters
Rosen Publishing
ISBN: 9781435853119 (library binding)
ISBN: 978-1-6153-1143-9 (e-book)
available in paperback and e-book formats
- click here for a link to the publisher, where this book can be ordered -
- click here for a link to Amazon -
Includes: Full-color Photographs, Glossary, Index, Bibliography, Further Reading, List of Organizations, Sidebars, Web Sites
There are two kinds of energy sources from nonrenewable resources: fossil fuels and radioactive energy sources. Readers will learn about a variety of products made from nonrenewable resources such as clay. Students also learn about the effects of nonrenewable resources on the local ecology. They will discover that exploiting a resource raises its price (Hotelling's Rule), and because nonrenewable resources can be used up, it's important to spend wisely the profit earned by using these resources (Hartwick's Rule). Practical tips for making good choices about nonrenewables are also covered in this engaging book.
Series Review: Green Matters
"Covering a variety of green issues, these books introduce and explain their topic, and then offer examples of environmentally friendly practices and tips for making good personal choices. Their strength is the prolific in-text references to experts and studies, making them great mentor-texts for students learning how to include research in their writing..."
--Lindsay Cesari, Baldwinsville School District, NY, School Library Journal
Series Review: Green Matters
"With all the talk about 'green products' and 'green action,' there is sure to be a call for these books. I found them interesting, informative, and well written. Students and adults will learn new facts and concepts...The set is well laid out with good use of white space, sidebars, and illustrations. This would be a good set for a consumer unit, science class or ecology club to use for reference. Schools with a curriculum tie-in to these topics or where there is local interest should consider the series for its clarity and timeliness....RECOMMENDED."
--Library Media Connection
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